Friday, July 31, 2009



On his way to fame and fortune in the military, Saint Ignatius was sidetracked by a the Battle of Pamplona...which shattered his leg. While he convalesced, he spent his time reading The Life of Christ and The Lives of The Saints...the only books available to him, at the time. His conscience deeply touched, he began a long and painful conversion to Christ.

Eventually, he founded the Society of Jesus...the Jesuits...employing the motto:

Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam...

To The Greater Glory Of God.

Everyone who calls themselves a Catholic Christian would do well to make this their motto, as well...that everything...we say and do...always be said and done for, "the greater glory of God."

What are YOU saying and doing, today?

Are YOU saying and doing it for the glory of self?

Or, do YOUR words, actions, and deeds ultimately glorify God?

He has given us a great

What we make of that life is our gift back to Him!

I pray that my words, actions, and deeds always glorify He, who has so generously gifted me!

I pray too, that YOUR words, actions, and deeds always glorify Him as well...for YOU, too have been generously gifted by God!

A few years I was discerning a call to become a Spiritual Director...I spent much time...with my own Spiritual Director..praying through the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius Loyola.

The Examen of Consciousness is an integral component of the exercises...and, quite frankly...should be an integral component of the prayer life of us help us grow more sensitive to our spirit and our Source:

Saint Ignatius' Prayer For Penitents:

Receive, Lord, all my liberty, my memory, my understanding and my whole will. You have given me all that I have, all that I am, and I surrender all to your divine will, that you dispose of me. Give me only your love and your grace. With this I am rich enough, and I have no more to ask.

For more information on the Spiritual Exercises, visit:

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