Saturday, October 3, 2009



This afternoon, we will be having the Annual Blessing of the Animals in the parish. I am praying the rain will either be done or hold off until after the blessing is over. Some of our Level 7 boys and girls will assist as one of their parish service projects towards the Sacrament of Confirmation.

Over the years, we have seen many dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters...and even...snakes. After each pet is blessed, the Level 7 boys and girls will complete a certificate for the animal...and...present it to the owner with a medal of Saint Francis of Assisi. Treats and goodies for the pets will be available as well.

In the book..."Will I See My Dog in Heaven," by Jack Wintz, OFM...Father Wintz discusses how the book has sprung forth from an article he had written for St. Anthony Messenger magazine in 2003. After the article appeared in the magazine...the following Letter to the Editor was received. From the pen of Mother Teresa of Calcutta comes sound advice for all pet owners:

[Dear editors:] I am still jumping up and down over the article about animals in heaven. All observations made by Father Jack are sound references to the fact that God loves all creation and will include all in our heavenly home.

For the past several years, I have organized a "Blessing of the Animals." In 1972, I had written to Mother Teresa [of Calcutta] to ask for a letter of support. She sent one, over her own signature, and I quote: "[Animals] too are created by the same hand of God which created us. As we humans are gifted with intelligence, which the animals lack, it is our duty to protect them and to promote their well-being. We also owe it to them as they serve us with such docility and loyalty."

I think Mother Teresa says all there is to say about the sacredness of the animal kingdom.

[From Marlene, Louisville, KY] (p17)

I think so, too.

How about YOU?

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